And so it begins again. Awards season. Well, it's been underway for a while but for us, the casual spectators, we are just waking up to what might be crowned Best Picture next year. So, let's take a brief tour around the houses. I don't really write film reviews - I tried a few times but I didn't find it as 'easy' as writing book reviews - so don't expect any profound thoughts going forward.
What are we looking out for?
This is my 'to watch list' which, like my 'to be read' list, will probably remain just that. A list.
So far I've only seen Interstellar. Ah...Interstellar. There were flashes of brilliance but mostly it was TOO LOUD and TOO LONG. I usually love a Hans Zimmer score and Interstellar was beautiful but the sound editors/mixers/Mr Nolan were having a laugh. It didn't help that we were in a teeny tiny screen and all squashed together for the three hours. Still, never mind. Oh and I hope Jon Faverau gets something, somewhere for Chef. I LOVED that film.
Who are we looking out for?
I lurve me the red carpet. Looking at our list of potential hopefuls, we might be graced with some fashion loveliness.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt always turn up looking elegant and dapper. Eddie Redmayne sure knows how to choose and wear a good suit. Emma Stone is one of my absolute favourite celebrities when it comes to fashion. I was watching that HBO Vogue documentary the other day and the segment with Tonne Goodman touched upon what it means when we talk about American style and for me, when I think of modern American style, I think of Emma Stone. I love the simplicity of her style. She definitely needs to wear another Calvin Klein on the circuit. From my shores, I send (haha) good fashion tidings in the form of Keira, Felicity, Jack, Rosamund, and Benedict. I'm sure we'll also see the lovely Lupita back to hand over her crown and Amy Adams will most likely give it all another run again (poor lady must be exhausted).
So, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, are you ready?